Aleph P

The ALEPH P is a high performance Mosfet Class A audio
preamplifier, intended for maximum performance in reproduction of
music. It is a simple design, having only a single balanced gain stage
consisting of a balanced pair of power Mosfets. The gain stage of the
preamplifier is a single Mosfet operated common source and biased
by a Mosfet constant current source.
Max Gain 22 dB bal / 16 dB unbal
Freq. Response -3 dB @ 1Hz, 100 KHz
Distortion < 1% THD
Max Out 20 volts rms. bal out
10 volts rms. unbal out
Output Impedance 0-800 ohms
Input Impedance 20 KOhm bal
10 KOhm unbal
CMRR -60 dB
Output noise 5 microvolts, 20-20KHz
Power consumption 25 watts